Syracuse Herald-Journal, August 31, 1982

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Syracuse Herald-Journal

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Landmark Theatre balcony to be inspected

Syracuse Herald-Journal

The Landmark Theatre will have its balcony inspected in the wake of a complaint that the balcony shook during the Aug. 19 rock 'n' roll concert by Elvis Costello and the Attractions.

Rose Bernthal, the theater's director, said she is convinced the.balcony is safe, but will have the inspection done just to make sure as well as to reassure the public about the theater.

"Our balcony is fine," Mrs. Bernthal said. "Nothing is going to happen to it."

She said the balcony was constructed extremely well. The Landmark is 53 years old.

In a letter in last Friday's Herald-Journal, a Geneseo man said he attended the Costello concert and was concerned about the balcony. "The balcony began to noticeably shake and as the momentum increased the shaking increased in proportion from a quiver to a steady violent motion," according to a portion of the letter, written by Steven F. Pravato.

In addition, a couple of other concert-goers privately voiced their concerns to the newspaper.

Meanwhile, David Young, the city's deputy commissioner in the community development office's Bureau of Buildings and Property Rehabilitation, said his staff might conduct its own inspection or have the Landmark submit a report from an independent engineer on the load capacity of the balcony.

Mrs. Bernthal said there's a chance the balcony's architectural design does allow for some sway or motion, but she wasn't sure.


Syracuse Herald-Journal, August 31, 1982

The Herald-Journal reports on problems with the Landmark Theatre balcony during Elvis Costello & the Attractions' August 19, 1982 performance.


1982-08-31 Syracuse Herald-Journal clipping 01.jpg1982-08-31 Syracuse Herald-Journal clipping 02.jpg

Syracuse Herald-Journal, August 27, 1982

Is theatre safe for rock 'n' roll?

Steven F. Pravato

1982-08-27 Syracuse Herald-Journal clipping 01.jpg

The Landmark Theater is preserved and once again active. Yet I wonder if this is truly a happy event. The beauty of the theater is certainly unquestionable and undated, but is the safety of the theater equally as unquestionable and undated? Perhaps not.

Last week I attended a rock concert at the theater, at which I was seated in the balcony. As the performers excited the youthful audience many people swarmed into the aisles and began to. dance. Others danced in front of their seats.

Before long the balcony began to noticeably shake and as the momentum increased the shaking increased in proportion from a quiver to a steady violent motion. It made me wonder if the architectural design of the building includes a safe capacity for this type of movement.

If not, every rock concert held at the theater is a potential threat to the hundreds of unsuspecting people who attend them. A dancing, stamping rock audience, after all, is much more appreciatively violent than even the worst of thundering ovations at a more traditional event.

If last year's disaster at the Hyatt-Regency has taught us anything, it has hopefully taught us to be more wary of the strength and flexibility of our publicly patronized buildings.

Steven F. Pravato, Geneseo.


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