EC mention in new Astral Weeks liner notes

Pretty self-explanatory
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EC mention in new Astral Weeks liner notes

Post by cwr »

New expanded edition of Van Morrison's Astral Weeks includes liner notes by Corey Frye, and EC gets a mention:
"Generations have felt its impact. Artists such as Elvis Costello, Bruce Springsteen and Bono have plumbed it for inspiration. Any best of list is unthinkable - and worthless - without it."
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Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:14 pm

Re: EC mention in new Astral Weeks liner notes

Post by cwr »

I remember the first time I even heard about Astral Weeks was when Brutal Youth had just come out and I was buying every EC interview I could find. He talked about AW in an interview in Hot Press, specifically saying how he felt like he was borrowing from Van on the vocals for "Clown Strike" and then going on to enthuse about Astral Weeks. I went out and bought a copy immediately, which happened a lot back then, in my earliest days of EC fandom. I would read him enthusing about one artist or some album and it would send me straight out to the record shops to buy it.
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