Post a Toast

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Post by BlueChair »

Rather than start a new thread, I figured I'd post this here since it's up the same alley.

Essentially, I see many of the people on this board as really good friends. We may come from a variety of places, age groups, backgrounds, or whatever. But I manage to feel like you are all a part of my life, without even feeling like a big computer nerd! Even those of you that I may annoy with my opinionated banters every once in while, I hope you know that I enjoy hearing what you have to say, even if I disagree with it sometimes. I think this would be a boring place if everyone agreed. The only important thing to agree on is our love for Elvis, and even there we all have different favourites and stuff like that.

Hearing about interactions between people on the board, online and offline, is something I find to be pretty moving. It's almost as if we could all be put in the same room and have the times of our lives, even without having met each other in person before.

The only board member I have had the pleasure of meeting (aside from RedShoes, who I obviously knew in person first) was pip_52, but it definitely felt like we had already known each other for a while, even though we had just 'met.'

I really hope to get the opportunity to meet more of you in the future.

So yeah. Sorry about the rambling, but it's just something that I have been thinking about lately.
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Post by Misha »


You'll get to meet a whole bunch of us if Bush is re-elected...remember the plan? Don't forget to sell the furniture, we're going to need some room!!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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Post by mood swung »

I've had the (dubious) pleasure of meeting a few of y'all --that would be YOU! OS. And the very great pleasure of meeting a few others--OS en famille, the spooksters, and the very very special LTZ (too bad you're engaged, dude--I'd like to put you under glass for one of my daughters!) --I'd like to more of ya's--Poppet, PoP, Bobster, So Lack, rope--got travel plans? In fact, I'd like to meet you all. Elvis has graced you--or you have graced him--with a rare wit and intelligence that I find absolutely addictive. Blessings heaped upon you.

and, uh, Blue--can you get that guest room ready?
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Post by bambooneedle »

Just posting a toast
and raising a glass,
and if you don't like it
you can kiss my ass.
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Post by LessThanZero »

Mood, as much as I would love to be put under glass, I have to go register now with Jody at Marshall Fields AGAIN, because when we did it last week, I guess it didn't take or something. Can you believe that??? It took us an hour!

Ugh, the things I do for free things....

ANYWAY, Moody, it was so great meeting you 2 and the spooks last week! What a great time! Your husband is so funny! I love how he kind of quietly makes these really quick, if not subtle, if not not subtle, comments all the time! loved it!

You're right, what a great group of smartly funny people this is. I love you guys.

Loving this board since before When I Was Cruel.
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

Dear Misha....thanks for the toast! or non-toast/toast! weeeeeeeeee....SKÅL!!!!!!! til dig......
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Post by noiseradio »

I raise a glass to Bambooneedle:

For never attacking those of us with faith in God on those grounds, even though he doesn't agree. For never framing his arguments in such a way as to question the intelligence of the religious. And for never using my religion (or anyone else's on the board's) as a weapon against me. In short, for always being willing to treat those of us who believe in God with the same respect we treat him. For refusing to take cheap shots at Christianity and Christians the same way that I refuse to take cheap shots at atheists and agnostics. Cheers!

Honorable mention:

Let's hear it for a Rope Leash, for all the reasons I mentioned above about Bamboo, plus the fact that he's so understanding of us Texans to boot.

I'm sorry to the rest of you that I could only choose two to toast. Almost all of you are very dear to me. Coded message to those who PM'd me during my recent (and not entirely finished) absence:
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--William Shakespeare
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