Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017/ Sad news

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Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017/ Sad news

Post by johnfoyle »


Bible Code Sundays /Facebook -

Elvis Costello (brother of our singer Ronan) endorses our T-shirt range available at https://www.musicglue.com/biblecodesundays

EC is one of the guest artists appearing on our forthcoming album Walk Like Kings, he appears alongside the other 3 MacManus Brothers, the first time all 5 have appeared on the same recording. The song was written after the posthumous discovery of a poem by Ross MacManus (the Da) and recording of his voice appears on the track too. Willie Redmond's Volunteers really is a MacManus family affair.
Tom Gallahue of Rebel Arts designed bespoke artwork for each of the songs on our last album New Hazardous Design



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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

I daresay copies of the album will be on sale through their site after the launch on September 29th. It might be that it will revert to being available only as download, as seems the case with a lot of releases these days. I can't make it to London for that date. Would anyone here be able to make it? I'd gladly pay for a copy of the CD.
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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... r_23,_2017

The Irish World, September 23, 2017

The Accidental Album
Fiona O'Brien

It’s not every band that make an album by accident, but that is pretty much what BibleCode Sundays have done with their latest offering, as Andy Nolan tells Fiona O’Brien


And a personal highlight for the band is the touching MacManus project. "Following the passing of Ronan's father, a chance discovery of old lyrics in the family home lead Ronan to put music to the words and complete the lyrics into a song.

"The emotional ballad 'Willie Redmond's Volunteers' became a poignant song for his family, as Ronan asked all of his brothers to appear on the track, including Declan (AKA Elvis Costello). We even found an old recording of Ronan's Dad narrating a wartime telegram that fitted the subject perfectly, so we even have Ross MacManus himself on the track, meaning that all five brothers and their father appear on the same recording for the first time."
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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Released tonight . A friend is going try and get me a copy at tonight's show. I gather the album will be available from digital providers afterwards.
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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017

Post by verbal gymnastics »

With Diana being at the Royal Albert Hall last night and no date tonight, it would hardly be rocket science to suggest they will be at this.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

The album is now available for download -

https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/walk- ... 1290142841

My friend mentioned to Ronan at the launch that she was buying the cd for me - he insisted on not taking payment and said it would be a present for me. My friend had given him a copy of a cdr I made of the songs by his Dad , Ross , that are newly available on some new compilations so, fair dues to him , he probably reckoned I was due something in return. I look forward to getting the cd in the post.
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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

The CD is now available for ordering from the band's site -

https://www.musicglue.com/biblecodesund ... s-cd-album

Listening to it I reckon Elvis sings the second verse of 'Willie Redmond's Volunteers' and is lead vocal on the chorus just after that verse. Ross's piece, in the fade out of the track,is a reading of the notification of his Dad's being injured while fighting in France in the Great War/War World One. No details are given of where and when Elvis recorded his contribution.

Willie Redmond was a politician and soldier. He fought for the British forces , believing it would help earn Ireland independence. He died in the Battle of Messines , June 1917. The song is very much a companion piece to Elvis's Any King's Shilling (Spike 1989). That song is about Elvis's Grandad's involvement in that same war. Elvis writes about it on pages 268 to 272 of his memoir. Pat McManus was invalided out of the war after the Battle Of Cambrai in November 1917. Both Willie & Pat were in the Royal Irish Regiment.


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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Such sad news.


Bible Code Sundays /Facebook

Just after 4:20am this morning, Friday 3rd November, we lost our brother, friend and drummer Carlton Hunt. We all spent time with him in his final hours and got to say everything we wanted to say, he passed peacefully with the same dignity and peace with which he lived his life. One of life's true gentlemen, he will be missed and loved forever by all that had the pleasure to know him. He leaves a huge hole in our band, our music and our hearts.

We will ask once again for the time and space to come to terms with our loss and for everyone to respect the privacy of his family and close friends.
Ladies and Gentlemen, on drums Mr Carlton Hunt
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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017/ Sad news

Post by emotional_fascism076 »

I have to get this now. Sounds like an interesting album.
Who on earth is tapping at the window?
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Re: Elvis on the new Bible Code Sundays album Walk Like Kings, Sept 29 2017/ Sad news

Post by johnfoyle »

http://people.com/babies/elvis-costello ... interview/

Speaking of fathers and sons, I loved the song you did with your brothers in the BibleCode Sundays, “Willie Redmond’s Volunteers,” which I understand took its lyrics from a poem of your dad’s that you’d recently found. What was that experience like for you?

I’m really pleased you heard that! It was really great. I have four half-brothers who are 20 years younger than me, so we didn’t grow up together but we’re still family. It was a wonderful thing that Ronan [MacManus] found this poem of my dad’s and set it to music. He got all of the brothers to play on it and I sing on it. It’s a really good record, the whole record is great. Russell Crowe is on it, and there’s some really great players. The drummer for the band died recently, so it’s been a tough time, but having a song that was written by our father and hearing his voice on the end of it was nice. That’s an actual telegram sent to my grandfather’s address notifying that he was injured. [My grandfather] joined the army as a boy. That was his family, so to speak, in the First World War. It’s quite a complicated story to impart in a few words, but in 1912 he joined the army as a soldier and as a musician. It’s probably the reason I’m a musician. So to bring it back a hundred years later — that letter is from 1917 when he was wounded. Thankfully, he survived, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. My father read it in his best post-English accent. My father was a singer, but he could do a little acting. I guess that’s where the theatrical funny voices bit comes from.
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