Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

Pretty self-explanatory
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Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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Who's going?
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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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Elvis on the Pope & Brexit -

http://milano.corriere.it/notizie/crona ... 54b5.shtml

He has canceled some tour dates due to a virus of the respiratory tract, but now it seems that Elvis Costello has recovered. On Tuesday, the English musician will be the Arcimboldi for a stop on his "Detour": over two hours of anecdotes and songs, along the lines of the autobiography "Unfaithful Music and Disappearing Ink". A concert by the open ladder, he says, the son of art grew up with a father singer and jazz trumpeter and arrived to build a career spanning over forty years between genres, from punk to rock to folk, with personality and style: "Especially the old songs find their place each evening in a different way, as parts of a story in the making. A ploy to be able to enjoy them even today. "

Program surprise, therefore; what is known is that live in the past weeks there have been titles like "Mystery Dance" and "Watching The Detectives", the first disc and a masterpiece of 1979, "My Aim Is True," or "She" by Charles Aznavour cover It became the soundtrack of the romantic comedy "Notting Hill." About cinema, Costello is confident that the seventh art gave him one of his favorite books: " 'Of my extreme sighs," the memoir of Luis Buñuel, is beautiful. Among other things contains a recipe for a perfect dry martini that has caused me a lot of trouble .... " With the Spanish director has in common Catholic education. "I went to school with the nuns, unfortunately, still many aspects of Catholicism are judgmental and do condemn several of my friends," continued the songwriter. "I must add, though, that there is no leader in the world who speak so passionately for social justice, free from corporate interests of sponsors and investors, as did Pope Francis to the last UN General Assembly. I hope my Dexter and Frank will be able to perceive the integrity of this pontiff, symbol of hope. "

The reference is to the children by Diana Krall, the jazz pianist with whom Costello has been married since 2003, his third marriage. "Love and art go hand in hand in my life, as well as loss and discovery of both," says the musician remembering with mixed irony pride that his wife "is the grandson of a miner, has a left hook that can lie down" . The two live in Vancouver and New York. "I'm only English on the passport, by now, but also in the past have never been linked to British symbols such as the Union Jack or the greeting to the Queen, even as a child. But I can come up with an English temperament if I should, for example, when the police asked for my papers. " Even British Prime Minister David Cameron convinces him: "It's a mediocre politician, the referendum for England's exit from Europe is nothing but a farce useful only to blame others for the failure of its policies." On the other hand, while cheering Liverpool, he let him conquer the unexpected triumph of Leicester: "It is proof that money can not buy everything," still
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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

Post by And No Coffee Table »

Setlist.fm has this:

1. Complicated Shadows
2. Accidents Will Happen
3. Ascension Day
4. Brilliant Mistake
5. Church Underground
6. Wake Me Up
7. Refuse to be saved
8. She's Pulling Out the Pin
9. Shipbuilding
10. Previously unreleased Dylan song
11. Shot With His Own Gun
12. A face in the crowd
13. Little White Lies
14. Ghost Train
15. Beyond Belief
16. Almost blue / All or Nothing at All
17. Watching the Detectives
18. Everyday I Write the Book
19. Burn the Paper Down to Ash
20. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding
21. Alison
22. Side By Side
23. Jimmie Standing In The Rain
24. I Want You

I wouldn't be surprised if "Wake Me Up" and "Refuse To Be Saved" were actually "The River In Reverse" and "Invasion Hit Parade."

Larkin Poe wasn't there, so this would appear to be the first EC-sung version of "Burn The Paper Down To Ash."
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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.rockol.it/news-658111/elvis- ... rto-milano



Complicated shadows
Accidents Will Happen
Ascension Day
Brilliant Mistake
Church undergrond
Invasion hit parade
She's pulling out the pin
Matthew met Mary
Shot With His Own Gun
Face in the Crowd
Little White lies
Ghost Train
Beyond Belief
Almost Blue / all or Nothing at all
Watching the detectives

Bis 1
Everyday I write the book
Burn the Paper Down to Ash
What'so funny

Bis 2:
Side by side

Jimmie standing in the Rain
I want you

A huge TV vintage stands on stage Arcimboldi; It is surrounded by guitars, a piano and several objects: two megaphones, a chair, illuminated signs. While the theater hall is filled, the TV sends old video clips of Elvis Costello.

It 'strange that an artist chooses to spread their music in a room before a concert. But the "Detour" Declan McManus, who in Milan has reached its second Italian date (continues until 31, 5 more dates) it is a play based on the memory and largely on improvisation, the "deviations" from the story by a history and a career spanning 40 years.

dark glasses, a black suit, Costello looks around 21, after the TV has switched to lights and blaring "Monkey to Man," a song of his recent work (2004). Strap on un'elettrica and attacks "Complicated Shadows", now playing with the pedals and tainting the sounds.

The beginning is not the best, in fact: Costello played the night before in Turin, after a week off (and canceled concerts) to a virus. The voice struggling to find form: the first part of the concert is "Brilliant mistake", as his best song (from "King of to america", 1986), which he places in the lineup right away and deconstructs with the acoustics , dylaniandone the melody. "The error beautiful" is repeated for "Invasion hit parade", almost unrecognizable: a little better, but not too much, with "Shipbuilding" shortly after, to the plan; "Me the loaned my wife," he jokes, referring to the jazz musician Diana Krall. "I promised to give it back whole, not destroy them or give him fire as I usually do." The most touching moment of the beginning is the memory of Allen Toussaint with "Ascension Day" (recorded for the disc duet "The river in reverse")

The concert engages the second part: "It 's that time of the show in which I present the special guest: here, it's me," she jokes. Wearing a white hat, he sits and presents "My new Apple device", an old megaphone. With acoustics, very gently and with much more focus on the melody sings "Beyond Belief" by chills, and "Almost Blue": perfect, results in "All or Nothing at all," the song Sinatra recently taken up by Dylan . For "Watching the Detectives" all'elettrica back, playing it in a deliberately distorted, and the flat see posters of B-movie thrillers of the '50s.

The stories, images and stories that inframezzano the show are beautiful as the songs: those of him as a child (the same photo that stands out on the cover of its "Brutal youth"), the relationship with his father singer (that TV shows while sings "If I had a hammer" before bis): are those told in the recent autobiography, recently out in Italy by Baldini & Castoldi with the title of "infidel Music and invisible ink" ,.

Ia are to be framed: the best songs on an endless repertoire, from "Everyday I write the book" to "What's so funny about peace love & understanding" with songs less known (those of the musical "A face in the crowd" he's working). A "Alison" memorable singing voice and guitar, without amplification, with the theater - full but not exhausted, in silence.

Final with a spectacular "I Want You", with Costello playing masterfully with strong / floor, with his voice, and with the dynamics of the guitar, through the pedals. After a song so you can not do anything else, and in fact Costello salutes and exits, after two hours abundant in concert.

The format of the "Detour" is not new: songs played solo with different instruments, stories and stories, and a play facility storyteller as well as sing. A few years ago he used James Taylor, or without the image, as we have seen with Springsteen and more recently Chris Cornell. Costello, apart from the start in slow motion, it performs very well, entertaining the audience and fishing from his endless repertoire, sometimes choosing almost unknown songs, cover, or simply improvising (compared to the real ladder with the cloth that was present at the counter directed audio - in the photo at the bottom).

A memorable concert, for one of the greatest songwriters in pop music and showman. If it passes in your area, in the next few days, do not miss it.

Un enorme televisore vintage troneggia sul palco degli Arcimboldi; è circondato da chitarre, un piano e diversi oggetti: due megafoni, una sedia, scritte luminose. Mentre la sala del teatro si riempie, la TV manda vecchi videoclip di Elvis Costello.

E’ singolare che un artista scelga di diffondere la propria musica in sala prima di un suo concerto. Ma il “Detour” di Declan McManus, che a Milano giunge alla sua seconda data italiana (continua fino al 31, altre 5 date) è uno spettacolo teatrale basato sul ricordo e in buona parte sull’improvvisazione, sulle “deviazioni” dal racconto di una storia e di una carriera che dura da 40 anni.

Occhialoni scuri, un completo nero, Costello si presenta verso le 21, dopo che la TV ha passato a luci spente e a tutto volume “Monkey to man”, una canzone della sua produzione recente (2004). Imbraccia un’elettrica e attacca "Complicated shadows", giocando subito con la pedaliera e sporcando i suoni.

L’inizio non è dei migliori, in realtà: Costello ha suonato la sera precedente a Torino, dopo una settimana di pausa (e di concerti annullati) per un virus. La voce fatica a trovare la forma: la prima parte del concerto è un “Brilliant mistake”, come la sua canzone più bella (da “King of a america”, 1986), che piazza subito in scaletta e che destruttura con l’acustica, dylaniandone la melodia. "Lo splendido errore" si ripete per “Invasion hit parade”, quasi irriconoscibile: un poco meglio, ma non troppo, con “Shipbuilding” poco dopo, al piano; “Me l’ha prestato mia moglie”, scherza, riferendosi alla jazzista Diana Krall. “Ho promesso di restituirglielo intero, non lo distruggerò o non gli darò fuoco come sono solito fare”. Il momento più toccante di questo inizio è il ricordo di Allen Toussaint con "Ascension day" (incisa per il disco a quattro mani "The river in reverse")

Il concerto ingrana dalla seconda parte: “E’ quel momento dello spettacolo in cui presento l'ospite speciale: eccolo, sono io”, scherza. Indossa un cappello bianco, si siede e presenta “Il mio nuovo device della Apple”, un vecchio megafono. Con un’acustica, con molta delicatezza e decisamente con più fuoco sulla melodia canta “Beyond Belief” da brividi, e “Almost Blue”: perfetta, sfocia in “All or Nothing at all”, la canzone di Sinatra recentemente ripresa anche da Dylan. Per “Watching the detectives” torna all’elettrica, eseguendola in maniera volutamente distorta, mentre la TV rimanda locandine di B-movie polizieschi degli anni ’50.

Le storie, le immagini e i racconti che inframezzano lo spettacolo sono belli quanto le canzoni: quelle di lui da bambino (la stessa foto che campeggia nella copertina del suo “Brutal youth”), del rapporto con il padre cantante (che la TV mostra mentre canta “If I had a hammer” prima dei bis): sono quelle raccontate nella recente autobiografia, da poco uscita anche in Italia per Baldini & Castoldi con il titolo di “Musica infedele e inchiostro simpatico",.

I bis sono da incorniciare: i migliori brani di un repertorio sterminato, da “Everyday I write the book” a “What's so funny about peace love & understanding”, con canzoni meno note (quelle del musical “A face in the crowd”, a cui sta lavorando). Una “Alison” memorabile, cantata voce e chitarra, senza amplificazione, con il teatro - pieno ma non esaurito, in religioso silenzio.

Finale con una spettacolare “I want you”, con Costello che gioca magistralmente con forte/piano, con la sua voce, e con le dinamiche della chitarra, attraverso la pedaliera. Dopo una canzone così non si può fare altro, e infatti Costello saluta ed esce, dopo due ore abbondanti di concerto.

Il formato del “Detour” non è nuovissimo: canzoni suonate in solitaria con diversi strumenti, storie e storielle, e un impianto teatrale per affabulare oltre che cantare. Qualche anno fa l’ha usato James Taylor, o senza la parte di immagini, lo si è visto con Springsteen o più recentemente Chris Cornell. Costello, a parte l’inizio al rallentatore, lo esegue benissimo, intrattenendo il pubblico e pescando dal suo repertorio sterminato, certe volte scegliendo brani quasi sconosciuti, cover, o semplicemente improvvisando (confrontate la scaletta reale con il canovaccio che era presente al banco regia audio - nelle foto in fondo).

Un concerto memorabile, per uno dei più grandi cantautori e showman della musica pop. Se passa dalle vostre parti, nei prossimi giorni, non perdetelo.

(Gianni Sibilla)
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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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"Alison" (Live in Milan, 24/5/2016) performed without amplification
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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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And No Coffee Table wrote:Larkin Poe wasn't there, so this would appear to be the first EC-sung version of "Burn The Paper Down To Ash."
I'm pretty sure he sung it once in the US by himself before handing the song over to Rebecca thereafter.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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More audience recordings from Joy2050.

Almost Blue / All Or Nothing At All
Everyday I Write The Book
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?
Jimmie Standing In The Rain + Brother Can You Spare A Dime?

Judging by "Shipbuilding" Elvis is over his viral infection. Without Rebecca or Megan to accompany him, there is nowhere to hide on PLU. His voice is much nearer 100% than it was at any point on the recent UK dates :)

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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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https://twitter.com/mc_bullhorn/status/ ... 1479648256
A very polite Milan audience was tonight subjected to an absurdly out of tune @ElvisCostello Nice patter, terrible music, appalling singing.
Sorry to say that it was the worst concert I've ever been to. Stuck it out for and hour & ten minutes, then fled.
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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

Post by InvisibleMan »

And somebody then added:

Roy Kelly ‏@stanyanfan49 25 mag
@mc_bullhorn A friend once saw a poster for Burt Bacharach and Elvis Costello concert at the RAH, and said, Makes two blokes who can't sing.

They must all be deaf.
io strombazzo!

Ombre nel sole
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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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Photo gallery from Buscadero magazine is here:

http://www.buscadero.com/elvis-costello ... a-gallery/

Photos credited to Rodolfo Sassano.

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Re: Elvis (solo) plays Milan May 24 2016

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A review by Andrea Izzo, published online at radiomusik.it on May 25, 2016:

Elvis Costello live a Milano: recensione e scaletta del concerto

È andato in scena ieri sera, martedì 24 maggio, presso il Teatro degli Arcimboldi di Milano uno dei concerti italiani di Elvis Costello, impegnato con il suo Detour, uno spettacolo incentrato sulla celebrazione dei suoi primi quaranta anni di carriera.

Già prima dell’inizio del concerto, nel teatro milanese riecheggiano le note della musica di Costello ma in molti rimangono a bocca aperta non appena vedono lo scenario che si presenta sul palco: una grande televisione vintage fa da padrona e proprio a questa enorme tv è affidato l’apertura dello show. Le luci si abbassano e viene proposto il video del brano Monkey to man che, poco dopo, fa da apripista all’ingresso in scena del cantante.

Sono le ore 21 ed ecco sul palco Elvis Costello che si presenta con un completo nero con tanto di occhiali da sole. Dietro di lui (e davanti al televisore) una sfilza di chitarre che accompagneranno lo show. Si inizia con Complicated shadows anche se sono ancora presenti gli strascichi del virus che ha colpito il cantante la settimana scorsa e lo ha obbligato ad annullare diversi concerti.

Piano piano però Costello prende voce e propone brani come Invasion hit parade o Face in the Crowd, alternando anche brani suonati al pianoforte. Lo spettacolo si conclude con un doppio bis: un primo composto dal quartetto di canzoni Everyday I write the book, Burn the Paper Down to Ash, What’so funny e Alison ed un secondo dove spiccano Side by side, Jimmie standing in the Rain e I want you.

Qui di seguito vi lasciamo la scaletta dello show, ricordandovi che il tour prosegue da questa sera, 25 maggio, fino al 31 tra Padova, Firenze, Bologna, Roma e Brescia."

Scaletta concerto Elvis Costello Milano 24-5-2016

Complicated shadows
Accidents Will Happen
Ascension Day
Brilliant Mistake
Church undergrond
Invasion hit parade
She’s pulling out the pin
Matthew met Mary
Shot With His Own Gun
Face in the Crowd
Little White lies
Ghost Train
Beyond Belief
Almost Blue / all or Nothing at all
Watching the detectives

Everyday I write the book
Burn the Paper Down to Ash
What’so funny

Side by side
Jimmie standing in the Rain
I want you

Or in "English" via Google Translate (setlist omitted):

"Elvis Costello live in Milan: review and lineup of the concert

Last night, Tuesday May 24th, at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milan, one of Elvis Costello's Italian concerts was performed, with his Detour, a show focused on the celebration of his first forty years of career.

Even before the start of the concert, the Milanese theater echoes the notes of the music of Costello but many are astonished as soon as they see the scenario that comes on stage: a large vintage television is the host and this huge TV is entrusted the opening of the show. The lights are lowered and the video of the song Monkey to man is proposed which, shortly thereafter, leads the way to the singer's entrance on stage.

It's 9 pm and here on the Elvis Costello stage that comes with a black suit complete with sunglasses. Behind him (and in front of the TV) a string of guitars that will accompany the show. It starts with Complicated shadows even if there are still the aftermath of the virus that hit the singer last week and forced him to cancel several concerts.

Slowly, however, Costello takes a voice and proposes songs like Invasion hit parade or Face in the Crowd, alternating also pieces played on the piano. The show ends with a double encore: a first composed by the quartet of Everyday songs I write the book, Burn the Paper Down to Ash, What'so funny and Alison and a second where stand side by side, Jimmie standing in the Rain and I want you.

Below we leave you the lineup of the show, reminding you that the tour continues from this evening, May 25th, until the 31st between Padua, Florence, Bologna, Rome and Brescia."

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