Costello Spanish interview ( incl. translation)

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Costello Spanish interview ( incl. translation)

Post by johnfoyle » ... io_noticia

«No me da vergüenza tocar lo que compuse a los 22 años»
El músico combinará sus temas clásicos y canciones de su último disco en su concierto de hoy en Bilbao


Desde que en 1977 Nick Lowe produjera su primer álbum, 'My Aim Is True', Elvis Costello ha abrazado todo tipo de géneros derribando no pocos prejuicios. Con su grupo The Attractions o en solitario, ha grabado una veintena de discos asimilables a la nueva ola, el pop sofisticado, el folk, el jazz, la música de cámara, el soul y el country, al que volvió a acercarse el pasado año con 'The Delivery Man'. Un intenso album de rock clasicista con ecos sureños que Costello grabó con el mismo cuarteto básico con el que hoy actúa en el Euskalduna de Bilbao, The Imposters, compuesto por el bajista Davey Faragher y sus viejos cómplices Steve Nieve (teclados) y Pete Thomas (batería).

-¿Cómo será su concierto?

-Dado que nos conocemos tanto, tenemos un repertorio de hasta cien temas. Podemos cambiarlo cada noche, pero siempre hay algunas piezas que la gente espera escuchar y que debes tocar para que no se sienta decepcionada.

-Con la excepción de 'When I Was Cruel', sus últimos discos han tenido un cariz digamos culto. ¿Siente la necesidad de volver de vez en cuando al rock?

-Nunca hago un disco de rock de una manera consciente, ni siquiera me gusta la etiqueta. Hay gente que piensa que he traicionado mi religión cuando hago álbumes como 'Painted For Memory' o 'North'. Pero son oportunidades de expansión creativa que además me permiten dejar de estar atado a la guitarra. Me obsesiona no repetirme. No quiero estar 27 años haciendo el mismo disco.

-¿Considera el pop como algo demasiado limitado?

-No me da vergüenza tocar lo que compuse a los 22 años. Creo que eso es porque estaban bien escritas y hablaban sobre cuestiones universales. Me interesan muchas músicas muy anteriores al rock and roll, pero ello no significa que rechace el pop. Sigo admirando el carácter pasajero y de igual manera veo la música clásica como inmortal. Todo es cuestión de lo que consideres una composición pop. Para mí, lo que he hecho con Burt Bacharach es pop y yo no diría que es nada simple.

Sin prejuicios

-¿Se imaginaba en los días de la nueva ola que acabaría grabando para Deustche Gramophon discos como 'North' o 'Il Sogno'?

-¿Por qué no? Yo tuve un disco de Deustche Gramophon antes que uno de los Beatles. La música de 'Il Sogno' la hice para un ballet. Ha tenido mucho éxito pero no toda la música es para grandes audiencias Cuando comencé a componer, la letra marcaba de alguna manera la pauta. Ahora dejo que la música fluya pero no creo que me haya sofisticado tanto. De hecho algunas de mis composiciones siguen siendo muy primitivas.

-¿Le sigue viendo el mundo de clasicismo como un intruso?

-Muchas de las críticas de mis obras clásicas que he leído estaban hechas sin escuchar la música y basadas en prejuicios. Aunque no reconozcan mi contribución, mucha gente ha ido a ver a una orquesta por primera vez gracias a mi música.

-Su lista de colaboraciones es impresionante ¿De cuáles está más orgulloso?

-No lo sé.En un primer momento, algunas me han parecido como un sueño. Como cuando fui invitado a cantar con Tony Bennett y Count Basie o cuando como, habiendo sido de niño un gran fan de los Beatles, te llama Paul McCartney. Lo importante es la comunicación que he logrado con gente como Burt Bacharach.
Google translation -

"it does not give shame to touch me what I composed to the 22 years" the musician will combine its classic subjects and songs of its last disc in its concert of today in Bilbao


Since in 1977 Nick Lowe it produced its first album, ' My Aim Is Trué, Elvis Costello has embraced all type of sorts demolishing not few prejudices. With its group The Attractions or in solitaire, it has recorded a twenty of assimilable discs to the new wave, the pop one falsified, folk, the jazz, the music of camera, soul and country, which the past year with ' The Delivery Man' returned to approach. An intense album of clasicista rock with sureños echoes that Costello recorded with the same basic quartet with which today it acts in the Euskalduna of Bilbao, The Imposters, made up of the bear Davey Faragher and his old Steve accomplices Snow (keyboards) and Pete Thomas (battery).

- How it will be his concert? -

Since we know so much, we have a repertoire of up to one hundred subjects. We can change it every night, but always there are some pieces that people hope to listen and that you must touch so that does not feel disappointed.

- With the exception of ' When I Was Cruel', their last discs have had a look we say cult. It feels the necessity to return once in a while to the rock? -

I Never make a disc of rock of a conscious way, not even likes the label. There is people who think that I have betrayed my religion when I make albums like ' Painted For Memory' or ' North'. But they are opportunities of creative expansion that in addition allow to let me be tied to the guitar. It obsesses to me not to repeat to me. I do not want to be 27 years doing the same disc.

- Considers the pop one like something too much limited? -

it does not give shame to touch me what I composed to the 22 years. I believe that that is because well they were written and they spoke on universal questions. Roll interests many musics to me very previous to the rock and, but it does not mean that it rejects the pop one. I continue admiring the fleeting character and of equal way I see classic music like inmortal. Everything is question of which you consider a composition pop. For me, which I have done with Burt Bacharach is pop and I would not say that he is nothing simple. Without prejudices -

one imagined in the days of the new wave that would end up recording for Deustche Gramophon discs like ' North' or ' Il Sogno '? -

Why no? I had I dial of Deustche Gramophon before one of the Beatles. The music of ' Il Sognó I did it for a ballet. It has been much successful but all music is not for great hearings When I began to compose, the letter set the standard somehow. Now I leave music flows it but I do not believe that it has falsified so much to me. In fact some of my compositions continue being very primitive.

- it continues seeing the world to Him of clasicismo like an intruder? -

Many of the critics of my classic works that I have read were done without listening to music and cradles in prejudices. Although they do not recognize my contribution, much people has been going to see an orchestra for the first time thanks to my music.

- Its list of collaborations is impressive Of which he is prouder? -

they do not sé.En a first moment, some have seemed me as a dream. Like when I was invited to sing with Tony Bennett and Count Basie or when like, having be of boy a great one they fan of the Beatles, calls Paul to you McCartney. The important thing is the communication that I have obtained with people like Burt Bacharach.
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

You have to read that in an over the top Spanish accent, and then it becomes hilarious. How the fuck does 'No lo sé', which means 'I don't know' end up as 'they do not sé'??? Very painful. Am happy to write it out in English if anyone's really keen...
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Post by ReadyToHearTheWorst »

'drums' = 'battery'

chortle, chortle
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Post by johnfoyle » ... TO=3795511

Costello traerá un despliegue de sonido en un escenario austero
:: 07/06/2005
El cantante británico ofrece este jueves un concierto en Vigo
El músico, que vendrá acompañado de Diana Krall, no ha realizado peticiones de estrella

(b.r.s. | vigo)
El artista británico Elvis Costello, que este jueves ofrecerá en el Pabellón de As Travesas el único concierto en Galicia dentro de su minigira española que comienza hoy en Bilbao y seguirá en Madrid, traerá un espectacular montaje. Sobre un escenario que supera los 250 metros cuadrados de superficie, habrá 200.000 vatios de luz y 30.000 de sonido aunque la decoración será austera: Elvis y su banda ante un fondo negro que no distraerá al espectador de lo mejor que ofrece, su música. El propio cantante acostumbra a vestir de traje negro y sorprende a todo el mundo por la gran cantidad de guitarras que utiliza en sus actuaciones.

Sin lujos

Acompañado de The Imposters, Elvis Costello presentará su último disco The Delivery Man , pero también repasará sus grandes éxitos, que son muchos, sobre todo los que le convirtieron en una estrella de reconocida fama mundial en los años 80. En su nuevo trabajo, Costello ha creado melodías arropadas por sonidos clásicos de raíces americanas, como el soul o el country con toques de jazz y su personalísima y modulada voz.

Elvis y su grupo no se lo han puesto complicado a la productora Articket, ya que no han realizado ninguna petición extraordinaria. Al contrario de lo que suele ser habitual con los artistas internacionales, el británico sólo ha solicitado agua, té y bebidas de cola light, vegetales y quesos, además de, cómo no, las consabidas toallas: cuarenta, grandes, lavadas y secas. Lo que sí se ha anunciado es que vendrá acompañado por su mujer, la cantante de jazz Diana Krall. El concierto dará comienzo a las 22.30 horas y las entradas pueden adquirirse a través de la página web y la taquilla telefónica de Caixanova, además de en las tiendas Elepé en Vigo, Discos Gong en Santiago y Discos Portobelo en A Coruña.

El precio de las entradas en venta anticipada es de 20¿, y de 24¿ el día del concierto. La actuación cuenta con un patrocinio de 12.000¿ de la Concellería de Festas, por lo que las entradas sean más baratas en Vigo que en los demás conciertos de la gira.

Googled -

Costello will bring an unfolding of sound in an austere scene:: 07/06/2005 the British singer offers east Thursday a concert in Vigo the musician, who will come accompanied from Krall Morning call, has not made star requests (b.r.s.|Vigo) artist British Elvis Costello, which this Thursday will offer in the Pavilion of Ace Travesas the only concert in Galicia within their Spanish minitour that begins today in Bilbao and will follow in Madrid, will bring a spectacular assembly. On a scene that surpasses the 250 square meters of surface, there will be 200,000 watts of light and 30,000 of sound although the decoration will be austere: Elvis and its band before a black bottom that will not distract to the spectator of the best thing than offer, its music. The own singer is used to dressing black suit and surprises everybody by the great amount of guitars that uses in its performances. Without luxuries Accompanied by The Imposters, Elvis Costello will present/display its last disc The Delivery Man, but also it will review his great successes, that are many, mainly those that turned to him a star of recognized world-wide fame in years 80. In its new work, Costello has created melodías wrapped by classic sounds by American roots, as soul or country with I touch of jazz and its personal and modulated voice. Elvis and its group have not put the Articket producer complicated, since they have not made any extraordinary request. Unlike which usually he is habitual with the international artists, the Briton has only asked for water, tea and drinks of tail light, vegetables and cheeses, in addition to, how no, the usual towels: forty, great, washed and dry ones. What yes one has announced is that it will come accompanied by its woman, the jazz singer Krall Morning call. The concert will begin to the 22,30 hours and the entrances can acquire through the page Web and the telephone ticket office of Caixanova, in addition to in the stores LP in Vigo, Discs Gong in Santiago and Discos Portobelo in A Corunna. The price of the entrances for sale anticipated is of 20, and 24 the day of the concert. The performance counts on a sponsorship of 12,000 of the Concellería de Festas, reason why the entrances are cheaper in Vigo than in the other concerts of the tour.
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Post by millen »

Like I always try to tell my pupils:

When you use a translator for word for words translations it sometimes works pretty good (although it always picks the first meaning of the word).
Try sentences and be prepared to laugh.

I once tried to translate the Dutch word: strafschop.
This is a soccer term called penality.
You think the translator wouldn't have any difficults with that one. After all the word penality is also commonly used in Holland.

However, if you splits up the word "straf" also means "sentence" (like jail) and "schop" is also a kick as well as a shovel.

The translator, therefore, came up with: sentence shovel.
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Post by scielle »

OK, so here's a good game. Take a song lyric, Google translate to some random language, then back to English. Makes for painfully amusing high-school poetry. Have someone figure out the original.
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Post by millen »

Ok, I did that with the first two verses of a well-known song.
Can you tell which one it is? :wink:

Romeo was restless, he was clearly He to kill
leap from the window because he still would not be able to sit
Juliet waited with a veiligheidsnet that
He said "bury me because I not death yet am Not"

Why do not you tell that me over the mystery dance
I wanna predict over the mystery dance
About which not you do show me, because I tried have and I tried and I am still I cannot
do him more mislead and I am not satisfied stem
Zombies man, they freak me out.
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Post by scielle »

Mystery Dance. Too easy.
Here's one:

Hey was never I, a straight thin young man
Known no good of the bad one
But I knew the life, before I mean nursery garden left - huh
Nach on the left of alone with large fat Fanny
Ihr such was an impudent of nanny
Des heap large woman, whom you educated a bad boy from me to
Hey hey! Wooh
Ich with mine seen volume
Over the line over the Land
I each blue eyed floozy on the way, to hey
Gesungen, but its beauty and its kind
Gone, kind from smooth to while
Taking me to them dirty Dame every time
Oh not you take house to me this evening?
Oh down beside your red firelight
Oh and you it all, which you received,
Fette up-pushing girls, you the world let let go rockin rockin ' world all around
Fat up-pushing girls, you ' all around
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Post by millen »

Queen - Fat Bottom Girls
Zombies man, they freak me out.
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Otis Westinghouse
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

I'll leave it as prose, even though it's pure eye-watering poetry:

Do the darling remember of the moment when you come at home the this Im applicant, Im step what Im supposed to be but which could know, LF Im a traitor? stop watch the revelator, revelator. They caught the katy, and on the left me a mule to go up. The lady of fortune came length it went to dimensioned, but each word seemed up to now it. Stop watch the revelator, the revelator. To the top of the morning to the top and on turn. I lead inside to corning and all the axes pleurnichent and never the day becomes right. Stop watch the revelator the revelator leaving the valley and kisses it out of the defect of sight go again to the cali where I then to sleep out of each night and to observe the waves and to move the reducer. The queen of the fakes and the imitateurs stop watch the revelator.
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