lyrics we LOVE

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Post by tallulah »

Sir Otis - I know how you like to rank things, so I will try my best. Since there are only four CD's (five if you count MAGNOLIA which I guess I should because there are two or three songs on there which are not available elsewhere) I think I can do it.

WHATEVER is my least favorite but I love the songs FOURTH OF JULY, JACOB MARLEY'S CHAIN and MR. HARRIS

Then LOST IN SPACE which is still growing on me, but has some great songs


BACHELOR # 2 is next - DEATHLY is such a good song, and I like CIGARETTES AND RED VINES too.

Then my favorite is I'M WITH STUPID probably b/c it was the first one I got. I couldn't live without THAT'S JUST WHAT YOU ARE.

*Phew* That was hard... :D

Oh, should also say that there is another CD called THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION - but this was put out by Warnes Bros after they held the first BACHELOR hostage and she had to fight them to buy it back. When she did and left the label and had some success, they put together this cheesy "collection" of which she gets absolutely NO money - so don't buy it! It's the Devil!
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Post by laughingcrow »

Great lyrics in this song 'No gods and precious few heroes' by Dick Gaughan, a folk singer from bonnie scotland...

I was listening to the news the other day
I heard a fat politician who had the nerve to say
He was proud to be Scottish, by the way
With the glories of our past to remember
"Here's tae us, wha's like us", listen to the cry
No surrender to the truth and here's the reason why
The power and the glory's just another bloody lie
They use to keep us all in line

For there's no gods and there's precious few heroes
But there's plenty on the dole in the land o the leal
And it's time now to sweep the future clear
Of the lies of a past that we know was never real

Farewell to the heather in the glen
They cleared us off once and they'd do it all again
For they still prefer sheep to thinking men
Ah, but men who think like sheep are even better
There's nothing much to choose between the old laird and the new
They still don't give a damn for the likes of me and you
Just mind you pay your rent to the factor when it's due
And mind your bloody manners when you pay!

And tell me will we never hear the end
Of puir bluidy Charlie at Culloden yet again?
Though he ran like a rabbit down the glen
Leavin better folk than him to be butchered
Or are you sittin in your Council house, dreamin o your clan?
Waiting for the Jacobites to come and free the land?
Try going down the broo with your claymore in your hand
And count all the Princes in the queue!

So don't talk to me of Scotland the Brave
For if we don't fight soon there'll be nothing left to save
Or would you rather stand and watch them dig your grave
While you wait for the Tartan Messiah?
He'll lead us to the Promised Land with laughter in his eye
We'll all live on the oil and the whisky by and by
Free heavy beer! Pie suppers in the sky! -
Will we never have the sense to learn?

That there's no gods and there's precious few heroes
But there's plenty on the dole in the land o the leal
And I'm damned sure that there's plenty live in fear
Of the day we stand together with our shoulders at the wheel
Aye there's no Gods
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Excellent, me old Crow, would love to hear that.

Ta Tallulah: very interested to see I'm With Stupid at the top there. Can't wait to check 'em all out. I love those two Magnolia songs. I wonder if getting the DVD would mean I wouldn't need the CD, though it would mean having to get a DVD player! Can you help me remember which song is sung, or growled, by the TV presenter dad? Or part of it. Actually, isn't it a song where different people do different bits. Wish I'd taped it, oncce wasn't enough.
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Post by tallulah »

I think it is SAVE ME that they sing - but maybe not. That movie disturbed me - falling frogs! Yikes.

Definetly check out IM WITH STUPID. It's fabulous.
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Post by Gillibeanz »

Heres a good old traditonal english ditty dear to me heart!

"Knees up muvva Brown
Your drawers are hanging down
Under the table you must go
If I catch you standing
I'll saw your legs right off
Knees up knees up
Dont get the breeze up
Knees up Muvvvvvvvaaaaaaaaa Brown!"

Dont ask me why - we just sing it at parties!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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