Laundry label calling president an 'idiot' a hit

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Laundry label calling president an 'idiot' a hit

Post by selfmademug »

Laundry label calling president an 'idiot' a hit
April 30, 2004

SEATTLE (Reuters) - Insulting a president can be profitable, a Washington state bag maker has discovered, but it is best if the insult is written in French and tucked away on a tiny laundry label.

Labels on most of the backpacks, messenger and laptop bags made and sold by Tom Bihn have his company's contact information along with washing instructions in English and French along with a message reading: "Nous sommes desoles que notre president soit un idiot. Nous n'avons pas vote pour lui."

The translation reads: "We are sorry that our president is an idiot. We did not vote for him."

Tom Bihn, who designs and makes bags for his eponymous company of 10 employees in Port Angeles, a seaside city 60 miles northwest of Seattle, claims he has no idea how the phrase got onto the label, but credits it with doubling bag sales.

"We don't know how it got there," Bihn said in a dead-pan manner.
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Post by RedShoes »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Mr. Average »

Real substance!

Based on the strength of your post, I think I am convinced. I'm voting for Kerry. He must not be an idiot, as I just checked the back of my shorts and there is nothing negative re: this potential future leader of the United States of America. He must be good!

So how are the liberals spinning the Woodward book now? When it was announced that he was publishing an expose' on our President and the decision-making process that led to a final decision to invade IRAQ, the liberal media crooned about the brilliance of Woodward...the uncompromised integrity of this bastian of high-impact reporting.

Then the book is published, revealing Bush as an intelligent, thoughtful, and decisive inguisitor of his staff and the available intelligence prior to going to war. (8 month period of diplomacy intervening, remember?). The 9/11 commission reveals that, sadly, the state of the WORLDS intelligence gathering was abysmal at the time this decision was being visited upon. But the testimony of both democrats and republicans is incontrovertable regarding the data that was on the table during the decision-making process...the data that led Kerry to vote to empower our President to involve ourt nation in war. Now the liberal media is calling Woodward a patsy, Bush's boy, and of no integrity whatsoever.

Sad. The Kerry/Democratic platform planks are made of silly-putty, conforming to whatever shape that the polls suggest they should be. The party is completely driven by polls, and not by critical thinking. CVlearly, Bush and his team are NOT driven by the polls, but a sense that they are involved in something that will change the world, and make it a better place for our children. I suppose that what shocks me the most...that a parent can not see where the world is heading if unchecked by leadership that puts the safety of our children first, and the polls second.

Now, who will be the first to speak of the 700+ Americans who have lost life, and suggest that this is somehow SHOCKING NEWS during a war. It is a real war, ladies and gentlemen...not a play war. The consequences of losing this war at the hands of merciless terrorists is so startling that it boggles the mind. If you believe that the radical islamic element hasnot been expanding at an alarming rate, with the only acceptable outcome to destroy the heathen Christian and Jewish element at ALL costs, then you are living in the same world of fantasy that Hillary has used as research for he book "Living History".
"The smarter mysteries are hidden in the light" - Jean Giono (1895-1970)

Post by selfmademug »

Oh please.

The post was not meant to convince anyone of anything; it was meant to make some of you laugh. Since I think Bush is an idiot and did not vote for him (which will hardly surprise you) I happen to think it is funny that someone chose to say so in the way he/they did. It has nothing to do with a party or a campaign.

There's lots of bait to be taken in your reply; I ain't taking it. Bring it to the Woodward/Clarke thread.
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Post by Mr. Average »

It is incredibly disrespectful to slam our nations leader without offering a tangible reason why he deserves such public derision.

Maybe that is what the office has become for the world...a joke. The 8 years of Clinton did much to inject levity and sarcasm onto the worldwide stage of opinion about the type of person that the American electorate will place in that office.

I wasn't baiting as much as telling the truth and waiting for the same, hackneyed old arguments that can be disassebled and disenboweled by my 12 year old.

The democratic party now has taken the form of a shameless group who will argue anyone with contrived fiction just because the polls show that the average American voter has a mental time constant of about 1/2 day for controversial press re their candidate. And Hillary is just now starting to get involved, with Bubba, to emasculate Kerry and render him unelectable for 2004. Perfect timing of heavy-handed limelight stealing that Kerry already knows that they are doing to keep him out and Bush in for 4 more, significantly increasing Hillary's chances if she doen't need to cover for the total mess that Kerry would leave the office in by 2008.

So the talking tree is being sacrificed by MacAullife, and the Clintons, and other power-mongers while Kerry just sits by and wonders what he can do to stop it. He cannot.

Its over, and the idiot will be in office for another term. Still room on my athletic supporter for a personal slur, so I best check there.

By the way, I AM in the ANNEX. Someone started a thread after I retorted to yours in this place. I see no need to take it elsewhere.

I hate it when people fund it fun and spiritually justified to make a mockery of a man and his family who is clearly attempting to do everything that they can to improve the overall stability of the world.
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Post by pophead2k »

George Bush is a poison monkey! So there!

Seriously, Mr. A., did you not denigrate Clinton during his presidency? Regardless of the charges against him, was he not still the chief executive of the United States? Has he been treated with respect by those who hold political views similar to yours? The answer is no, and its because conservatives think he's a jackass, an adulterer and unfit to lead. I denigrate George W. because I think he's an asshole, a know-nothing, and an amazingly egotistical despot who is unfit to lead. Fair enough. This ill begotten, ridiculous, and tragic war is reason enough to get this guy out of office. The atrocities that are coming to light might not be laid directly at his doorstep, but remember, the fish rots from the head down. This administration refused to listen to right thinking folks who said the occupation of Iraq would be a nightmare based on the ethnic divisions and the lack of a tradition of democracy in the region. I'm a humble school teacher with a BA in Communications and I said that at the outset of the war. Bush and Cheney live in their own reality; to them the men and women dying every day for both sides are simply human collateral to their greater goals. The hell with him. And don't paint me as a knee jerk liberal- I voted for W's daddy.

Edited to add this link: ... 707&EDATE=
And this one:

Post by selfmademug »

Mr. A: I'm not kicking you off the thread; I'm just not going to take the bait.

We had a form of goverment at one time where one had to respect leaders because they were leaders; it was called a monarchy and we more or less decided it was a bad idea. I'm not going to argue your opinions or call mine truths, but bear in mind that real respect cuts both ways, between you and me, and between the President and his country's populace.
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Post by SoLikeCandy »

Right on, sista.

By the way, Self--I'm dying to know where I can buy some of these items...
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Post by Tim(e) »

Mr. Average wrote:Maybe that is what the office has become for the world...a joke. The 8 years of Clinton did much to inject levity and sarcasm onto the worldwide stage of opinion about the type of person that the American electorate will place in that office.
Sorry, I think you will find that a certain Ronald Reagan holds that particular honor :lol:
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Post by Richard »

I always thought it would be un-American not to deride, not only our nation's leader but all politicians. As admirable a job as any President does it is surely a position sought after by those with a huge sense of self-worth & ego.

Isn't that alone enough to wish for a degree of hubris to befall any of our leaders.

As for the idea that we all lost respect for the Presidency during the Clinton years. That seems as specious a piece of revisionism as any that you will find in published journalism.

Perhaps in the modern era Richard Nixon is a turning point in our understanding of just how human & fallible our leaders are.

I don't think we should pretend it is a modern trend to pour scorn on those we choose to lead us.

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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Mr. Average wrote:Brilliant.
Real substance!

Based on the strength of your post, I think I am convinced. I'm voting for Kerry. He must not be an idiot, as I just checked the back of my shorts and there is nothing negative re: this potential future leader of the United States of America. He must be good!

So how are the liberals spinning the Woodward book now? When it was announced that he was publishing an expose' on our President and the decision-making process that led to a final decision to invade IRAQ, the liberal media crooned about the brilliance of Woodward...the uncompromised integrity of this bastian of high-impact reporting.

Then the book is published, revealing Bush as an intelligent, thoughtful, and decisive inguisitor of his staff and the available intelligence prior to going to war. (8 month period of diplomacy intervening, remember?). The 9/11 commission reveals that, sadly, the state of the WORLDS intelligence gathering was abysmal at the time this decision was being visited upon. But the testimony of both democrats and republicans is incontrovertable regarding the data that was on the table during the decision-making process...the data that led Kerry to vote to empower our President to involve ourt nation in war. Now the liberal media is calling Woodward a patsy, Bush's boy, and of no integrity whatsoever.

Sad. The Kerry/Democratic platform planks are made of silly-putty, conforming to whatever shape that the polls suggest they should be. The party is completely driven by polls, and not by critical thinking. CVlearly, Bush and his team are NOT driven by the polls, but a sense that they are involved in something that will change the world, and make it a better place for our children. I suppose that what shocks me the most...that a parent can not see where the world is heading if unchecked by leadership that puts the safety of our children first, and the polls second.

Now, who will be the first to speak of the 700+ Americans who have lost life, and suggest that this is somehow SHOCKING NEWS during a war. It is a real war, ladies and gentlemen...not a play war. The consequences of losing this war at the hands of merciless terrorists is so startling that it boggles the mind. If you believe that the radical islamic element hasnot been expanding at an alarming rate, with the only acceptable outcome to destroy the heathen Christian and Jewish element at ALL costs, then you are living in the same world of fantasy that Hillary has used as research for he book "Living History".
Sorry, the guy's an idiot, an embarassment. His presidency has been an unmitigated disaster, by any measure. What's shocking is that Bush thought Iraq was worth 700+ American lives. What do you want to bet that 20 years from now the place is as screwed up as it was under Saddam? I can't imagine what Republicans would be saying about Clinton if he had gotten us involved in a quagmire like this. I hope Bush loses big, because he richly deserves it.

And how is this war making it safer for our children? I have two kids and feel strongly that this war has made us less safe, not more. We have more enemies than ever in the Arab world, and that cannot be good for our long-term security.
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Post by Mr. Average »

We have More enemies? No we don't Sam. This war is exposing our REAL enemies, and bringing them out from under the slimy, maggot-infested rocks that they hide under. You are just seeing them, and that makes you uncomfortable.

For my kids, should they need to watch me die, I would prefer that the assasin approached from the front, revealed themselves, and stabbed me in the heart. Unfortunately, the modus operandi of these bad guys is they attack from the rear in a cowardly, chicken-shit way. By flushing them out, they can be exposed and their cells revealed.

We don't have more enemies. We just have a better way of seeing who the real hatemongers are. And this includes the "Hate America First" enemies, that live here, masquerade as US citizens, and have the AUDACITY to put their hand over their heart and pleadge allegeiance to THEIR FLAG infront of there children, then slither out of the room and attck America for all that it is doing to change the face of the world for future generations. Cowards. Are you one of them? Do you pledge allegiance in a show of pride and faith in our great country, and then bellycrawl up to a keyboard to slam the leadership...people who are NOT acting by the polls, and are genuinely doing what they believe is the right thing for our children, witht he full realization that they are putting themselves squarely into harms way, and that the consequences of their noble actions will likely compromise their re-election bid.

Libya. Libya anyone? More enemies?

Meanwhile, it is revealed that one of Kerry's purple hearts was awarded after a self-inflicted wound. He was keenly aware of the "three purples and out" ruling, and he went over the head of TWO of his commanding officers to secure the purple heart after it was denied. Now, every single Kerry commanding officer during is brief stint in Vietnam has signed a petition to say that he is not fit to be a commander in cheif because of his vanity,his self-inflicted wounds, and his deciet.

Yeah, that's the type of integrity I want ruling this nation. If that happens, give your children a long kiss goodnight on that Tuesday night in November, and tell them you love 'em, in spite of the fact that you have helped lay a framework for a life of living hell as they mature and grow into a worls that is riddled with terror and exploding school buses.

Have a wonderful, blissfully ignorant, liberal day.
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Post by pophead2k »

No one needs your condecension (sp?) Mr. A. I pledge my allegiance to AMERICA the country, the concept, the greatest nation, with the potential to do the most good in the world. I do NOT pledge it to an administration that disregards the needs, wants, and desires of average people to fatten themselves and their greedy corporate buddies. If that makes me UnAmerican, then so be it. Personally, I find it UnAmerican to go blindly along with the leaders of this country without questioning them on a single thing. Isn't that what King George and Parliament wanted from the colonists back in 1776? Thank God the liberal revolutionaries chose to challenge the status quo (against popular beliefs, I might add) to take a chance at a real democracy- one that in the present has sadly been subverted by money, greed, and that equates flag-waving loyalty to bad actions with TRUE patriotism. George Bush has created more martyrs in the last six months then we had before this stupidly planned and executed war. Libya is responding to force and pressure, which is great for now, but do you think they will still hold their reasonably pro-Western stance if the worm turns? I hardly think so.

And thank you, I will have a blissfully informed, pro-active, American loving day.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Mr. Average wrote:We have More enemies? No we don't Sam. This war is exposing our REAL enemies, and bringing them out from under the slimy, maggot-infested rocks that they hide under. You are just seeing them, and that makes you uncomfortable.

For my kids, should they need to watch me die, I would prefer that the assasin approached from the front, revealed themselves, and stabbed me in the heart. Unfortunately, the modus operandi of these bad guys is they attack from the rear in a cowardly, chicken-shit way. By flushing them out, they can be exposed and their cells revealed.

We don't have more enemies. We just have a better way of seeing who the real hatemongers are. And this includes the "Hate America First" enemies, that live here, masquerade as US citizens, and have the AUDACITY to put their hand over their heart and pleadge allegeiance to THEIR FLAG infront of there children, then slither out of the room and attck America for all that it is doing to change the face of the world for future generations. Cowards. Are you one of them? Do you pledge allegiance in a show of pride and faith in our great country, and then bellycrawl up to a keyboard to slam the leadership...people who are NOT acting by the polls, and are genuinely doing what they believe is the right thing for our children, witht he full realization that they are putting themselves squarely into harms way, and that the consequences of their noble actions will likely compromise their re-election bid.

Libya. Libya anyone? More enemies?

Meanwhile, it is revealed that one of Kerry's purple hearts was awarded after a self-inflicted wound. He was keenly aware of the "three purples and out" ruling, and he went over the head of TWO of his commanding officers to secure the purple heart after it was denied. Now, every single Kerry commanding officer during is brief stint in Vietnam has signed a petition to say that he is not fit to be a commander in cheif because of his vanity,his self-inflicted wounds, and his deciet.

Yeah, that's the type of integrity I want ruling this nation. If that happens, give your children a long kiss goodnight on that Tuesday night in November, and tell them you love 'em, in spite of the fact that you have helped lay a framework for a life of living hell as they mature and grow into a worls that is riddled with terror and exploding school buses.

Have a wonderful, blissfully ignorant, liberal day.
What a self-important jerk you are. Don't accuse me of being treasonous because I don't share your view of Bush's policies. One of the scariest things about this war has been the attempt by people on the right to stifle free speech in the name of "supporting our troops" or backing the President.

Tell me, who in your family has his ass on the line? My brother is in the Army and could be sent over there at any time. I don't want to see him die for people who couldn't care less about us.
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Post by BlueChair »

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
-- Theodore Roosevelt
This morning you've got time for a hot, home-cooked breakfast! Delicious and piping hot in only 3 microwave minutes.
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Post by Mr. Average »

I am not making these comments blindly. I am informed and I make informed decisions. I question authority. Constantly.

How many of you have realized that you are now the unwitting pilots of the latest planes that are being commandeered into our infrastructure. The future of the terrorist success lies in the Hate America First insider element that they are feeding, and they are cultivating, and they are WINNING. Using the liberal media as purveyors of the terrorist usurp the fabric of this nation from the inside out.

Kerry is a proven leader in this regard. Good luck to you all. As I research, carefully and thoughtfully what is really going on, remain ignorant in your bliss. Until you wake up one day and the flesh is peeling away from your face, and you wonder how in the world it got to this point.

THINK and learn.

Clearly, my thoughts are unwelcome, so I will exit stage left and leave you to your self flagellating circle jerk.

Think, and learn. Before it is too late.

I am sorry for the crude and bombastic approach to my message. This isn't me, I know. So it is best that I leave and let this go, for the betterment of the board.

Say hello to Elvis for me. I remain a loyal and ardent fan.
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Post by Boy With A Problem »

you did it to yourself and your comments are ill informed.

I would think most of the political views of members of the forum would be similar to EC - left of center - it's in the lyrics man. It shouldn't surpise you. You use ugly language and a bombastic tone. Why do you feel you should be accorded respect or cordiality? I think the members here have been more than fair to you, and I'd be willing to bet that there a more than a few of us out here that generally don't reply to your posts, because you come off as a zealot - with more in common with religious fundamentalists than EC fans, and zealots can't sustain a rational, thoughtful discourse.

If we want to have a circle jerk over the 5 best meals of the year or songs that have the word radio in them, we will damnit. (as long as Taz pays the light bill).

Adios Stapler Man - stay free.
Everyone just needs to fuckin’ relax. Smoke more weed, the world is ending.
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