Steve Nieve The Perils Of Plastic Womanhood .

Pretty self-explanatory
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Steve Nieve The Perils Of Plastic Womanhood .

Post by littletriggers »

Recently picked this up on ebay , another release I totally missed and new nothing about from 86 I was busy with 12hr shifts back then and missed quite a bit anyone have any info to add about this or any other S.Nieve releases. ... otostream/
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Re: Steve Nieve The Perils Of Plastic Womanhood .

Post by johnfoyle »

Interesting. I suppose I've seen it listed and never checked it out. There's quite a bit available on vinyl at reasonable enough prices. I'll comment more when I get some.


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Re: Steve Nieve The Perils Of Plastic Womanhood .

Post by Top balcony »

Not heard of this beat combo before.

Saw the singer Steve Allen ( aka Enrigo Cadillac Jnr) loads of time in Deaf School. Clive Langer was also in the band. Link to a few bits of info about Mr Alen and his music : ... 85-89.html

Wonder what they sound like?

Colin aka Top Balcony
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Re: Steve Nieve The Perils Of Plastic Womanhood .

Post by johnfoyle »

Steve's forum is back online and he commented on this back in March-

Mar 12th, 2009

Daniel posts -

Recently, in my quest to track down all of the vinyl offerings of my favorite artists, I stumbled upon the three EPs that were released by the Perils of Plastic. Having bought all three, I can say that I found them to be immensely enjoyable to listen to. I have one question, though. The third song on the "The Love I Love" EP, called "What Love Can Do For You", has puzzled me. As there are no musician credits on the album jacket, I cannot easily find out who provided drums and bass for the song. To me, though, bass-line sounds a little like something Bruce Thomas would have done, and from that notion, and that the drumming sounds different from the other Perils of Plastic songs, I think the drumming sounds a bit like Pete Thomas' work. Additionally, Steve's piano playing reminds me of his work for the album "Trust", something that for me ties the song closer to the idea of the other Attractions playing on it. So, my question for you Steve, is, did Bruce
and Pete Thomas contribute bass and drums to the song "What Love Can Do For You"?

Thanks in advance.
Mar 14th, 2009

Steve responds -

Thank you Daniel,

The Perils of Plastic was a project of mine in collaboration with Steve Allen the singer of Deaf School. We recorded an entire album, and three singles were released, but the record company shelved the album because the singles were not top twenty hits. That happens to so many artists, months of work that never see the light of day. ANyway - the track you are talking about was myself on piano, the bass I am sure was Guy Pratt, who is a wonderful musician, played live on some of the later Pink Floyd shows and I'm sure if you google him you'll find out all he has done. I am not 100% sure but I think the drummer was Style Council's man Steve White, again a brilliant musician. I'm thinking there was a guitar on the track and wondering who it was possibly Tim Renwick or possibly J.J. Bell two great musicians that I had the pleasure to work with during my time on the Jonathen Ross TV show.

To conclude a song of mine that has the Attractions playing together, (I think it was the last thing we ever did actually) is on 'Mumu' and is called "Young People".
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