Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Pretty self-explanatory
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Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

These dates are kind of lost in the revamped 'official' site -


06/30/2008 Alfredo Kraus Auditorium Canary Islands, Spain
07/01/2008 Alfredo Kraus Auditorium Canary Islands, Spain
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Does anybody fancy going to this?

Mrs VG did not seem to mind when I mentioned going to this for a mini break...

Tickets don't appear to be on sale yet though.

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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

I'm seeing Neil Young in Dublin on June 29 ; otherwise I'd love to be there.
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by verbal gymnastics »

I've been looking into this and I can't find any flights for the Sunday so I'd have to fly out on Saturday 28th which means one extra night away.

The best I've priced up so far has been about £350 for leaving on 28th June and returning on 2nd July for the flight and hotel. This doesn't include parking at the airport, transfer to and from the airport, spending money or the tickets.

Mrs VG made the point that I will be scuppered if he cancels the shows which I fear could happen.

But on the plus side she said "Wouldn't it be better if you saw him in Amsterdam again?" 8) Now I remember why I love her so much!

So Elvis, how about a European tour?
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by thepopeofpop »

verbal gymnastics wrote:But on the plus side she said "Wouldn't it be better if you saw him in Amsterdam again?" 8) Now I remember why I love her so much!

So Elvis, how about a European tour?
I second that emotion, particularly because I will be based in Amsterdam for the next quite a while...
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Cool. I'd love to meet up with you. We should resurrect the idea of an Amsterdam meet up!

I am tempted by going to the Canary Islands but I just don't think it's going to work. Mind you, it is a Lottery Rollover tonight :lol:
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by krm »

Looks like tickets are on sale now. Both generaltickets



auditorio Alfredo Krauss have added EC in their schedules.


Prices: €35 or €40 !!!

Go there for vacation and see ELvis at the same time!!!!
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

Spanish interview; a Babelfish translation follows -

including this -

Strangely, I am optimistic facing the future immediate, because I will be able to do what it comes to me in desire without no contract prevents it to me. Like publishing my next songs in the form of score, so that they sing others, or many other ideas that, discúlpeme, I am not going to say. One is to avoid that somebody livened up went ahead to me…

http://www.elpais.com/articulo/cultura/ ... icul_7/Tes


"El vinilo es mejor; llevan más de 20 años engañándonos con el CD"

FERNANDO NEIRA - Madrid - 10/06/2008

Hace unos meses hizo saltar la alarma entre sus seguidores. "No me volveré a meter en un estudio, es un proceso demasiado agotador y penoso", alegó. Por suerte, el bueno de Declan Patrick MacManus -Elvis Costello para el mundo desde hace 31 años- ha faltado a su palabra. A principios de año reclamó a The Imposters para grabar en sólo una semana Momofuku, disco urgente y enérgico que está suscitando comentarios entusiastas. Y ahora se embarca en una gira de presentación por medio mundo que cuenta con sólo dos fechas españolas: 30 de junio y 1 de julio en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, en el Festival Arrecife de las Músicas. Un Costello (Londres, 1954) mucho más locuaz y cordial de lo que dicen las malas lenguas atendió ayer por teléfono a este periódico desde un hotel estadounidense.

Pregunta. ¿Qué le hizo desdecirse y volver a publicar?

Respuesta. Fue casi por casualidad. [La cantante de folk-rock] Jenny Lewis me reclamó para que colaborase en su disco y redescubrí los aspectos buenos de este trabajo. No había dejado de escribir canciones, pero sí llegué a pensar que grabar un álbum se había convertido en un hecho banal.

P. ¿Le angustiaban las exigencias de una industria en crisis?

R. He decidido no volver a preocuparme por las cifras. Sólo espero que a la gente le interese mi música, pero ya no me importa si la compra o la roba. No soy quién para hablar en términos comerciales. Por eso mismo, seguro que usted pretende publicar esta entrevista en las páginas de Cultura, no en las de Negocios...

P. Quiso editar Momofuku sólo en vinilo. ¿No teme que le vean como un nostálgico?

R. No es nostalgia. El vinilo suena mejor y llevan veintipico años engañándonos acerca de la calidad del CD. Las reediciones en ese formato de los discos originales analógicos constituyen una desgracia, al igual que la aceptación del MP3 como un estándar de sonido. La música se graba en unas condiciones de excelencia, pero luego nos conformamos con que nos la vendan en un formato que arruina todos esos meses y meses de trabajo. Éste es un problema prioritario: hay que hacer algo al respecto, cuanto antes.

P. ¿Representa su nuevo disco un regreso a las esencias del pasado, al espíritu de discos como Get happy!! y otros?

R. Es un error tratar de hacer cosas como si fueras más joven de lo que eres. La verdad es que ninguna de estas 12 nuevas canciones la podría haber escrito con 22 años. Si la gente asocia ambos sonidos es porque somos casi los mismos músicos, pero no existe ninguna premeditación al respecto.

R. En los últimos años ha escrito ballets, jazz, música de cámara... ¿Podemos seguir considerándole un rockero?

R. Esas otras facetas mías sólo irritan a la gente con poca curiosidad. En realidad, esos proyectos alternativos han estado siempre presentes: grabé My funny Valentine en 1978 y el disco Imperial bedroom, de 1982, ya incluía algo parecido al tango y al jazz. Sucede que las oportunidades han ido aumentando con los años, sobre todo a partir del cambio de siglo. Pero me consta que The Juliet letters, mi disco con el Brodsky Quartet, goza de un público muy entregado en España, sin ir más lejos.

P. Momofuku se abre con No hiding place, una sátira sobre la era de Internet. ¿Tan negativas han sido sus experiencias?

R. No se trata de una gran declaración de principios, sino sólo de una canción más o menos cómica. Me molesta, sí, la fascinación insana que nos producen determinados fenómenos. Vivimos en un mundo de obsesiones y posesiones, y cualquiera, desde la impunidad del anonimato, se cree con derecho a hablar de lo divino y lo humano. Hubo un tiempo en que se requerían unos cuantos años de aprendizaje antes de publicar tu primer artículo en el periódico. Ahora todo lo que necesitas es un ordenador.

P. ¿Le satura la sobreabundancia de información?

R. Sin duda, porque ese exceso de opiniones no contribuye a clarificar las cosas. Sí, ya sé que ahora puedes conseguir mucha información útil que hace unos años resultaba inaccesible, y eso está muy bien. Pero también puedes ver vídeos de gente follando en un ascensor, grabaciones que han vendido los propios servicios de seguridad. Éste es un mundo sin vergüenza...

P. Para que quede claro, ¿piensa seguir dedicándose a su oficio en estos próximos años?

R. ¡Claro! Soy un músico vocacional, no veo motivos para dejarlo, a menos que suceda algo con mi salud. La única diferencia es que me he desligado de esos planes de negocios que diseñaban ejecutivos sin la menor idea de música. Extrañamente, soy optimista de cara al futuro inmediato, porque podré hacer lo que me venga en gana sin que ningún contrato me lo impida. Como editar mis próximas canciones en forma de partitura, para que las canten otros, o muchas otras ideas que, discúlpeme, no voy a decir. Se trata de evitar que alguien avispado se me adelante...


A few months ago it made jump the alarm between its followers. " I will not become to put in a study, is a too exhausting process and penoso" , it alleged. Luckily, good of Declan Patrick MacManus - Elvis Costello for the world for 31 years its word has needed. At the beginning of year he protested to The Imposters to record in only one Momofuku week, urgent and energetic disc that is provoking enthusiastic commentaries. And now one embarks in a tour of presentation by average world that counts just by two Spanish dates: 30 of June and 1 of July in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, the Festival Reef of Musics. Loquacious and much more warm a Costello (London, 1954) than says the bad languages took care of yesterday by telephone to this newspaper from a American hotel.

Question. What made him retract and return to publish?

Answer. It was almost by chance. [The folk-rock singer] Jenny Lewis protested to me so that it collaborated in its disc and redescubrí the good aspects of this work. It had not stopped writing songs, but I got to think that to record an album one had become a banal fact.

P. distressed the exigencies to Him of an industry in crisis?
R.I have decided not to return to worry me about the numbers. I only hope that to people it interests my music to him, but no longer it matters to me if the purchase robs or it. I am not who to speak in commercial terms. That is why, certainly you try to publish this interview in the pages of Culture, not in those of Businesses…

P. Wanted to publish Momofuku only in vinyl. It does not fear that they see him like a nostalgic one?

R. It is not nostalgia. The vinyl sounds better and have been to veintipico years deceiving to us about the quality of the CD. The reediciones in that format of analogical original discs constitute a misfortune, like the acceptance of the MP3 like a sound standard. Music is recorded in conditions of excellence, but soon we were satisfied whereupon they sell it to us in a format that ruins all those months and months of work. This one is a high-priority problem: it is necessary to do something on the matter, as soon as possible.

P. Represents their new disc a return the essences of the past, to the disc spirit like Get happy! and others?

R. Is an error to try to make things as if you were younger than you are. The truth is that no of these 12 new songs it could have written with 22 years. If people associate both sounds she is because we are almost the same musicians, but does not exist no premeditation on the matter.

R. In the last years has written ballets, jazz, music of camera… We can continue considering a rocker him?

R. Those other facets mine only irritate to people with little curiosity. In fact, those alternative projects have been always present: I recorded My funny Valentine in 1978 and the Imperial disc bedroom, of 1982, already included something similar to the tango and the jazz. It happens that the opportunities have been increasing with the years, mainly from the change of century. But it consists to me that The Juliet letters, my disc with the Brodsky Quartet, enjoys a public very given in Spain, without going more far.

P. Momofuku is abre with hiding does not please, a satire on the era of Internet. So negative they have been its experiences?

R. One is not about a great declaration of principles, but only a song more or less comedian. It bothers to me, yes, the insane fascination that to us certain phenomena produce. We live in a world on obsessions and possessions, and anyone, from impunity of the anonymity, is created with right to speak of divine and the human. There was a time in which a few years of learning were required before publishing your first article in the newspaper. Now everything what you need is a computer.

P. saturates the information overabundance to Him?
R. Without a doubt, because that excess of opinions does not contribute to clarify the things. Yes, already I know that now you can secure much useful information that years ago it was inaccessible, and that is very well. But also you can see people videos follando in an elevator, recordings that have sold the own services of security. This one is a world without shame…

P. So that it is clear, it thinks to continue dedicating itself to his office in these next years?

R. Clearly! I am a vocational musician, I do not see reasons to leave it, unless something happens to my health. The unique difference is that I have separated of those plans of businesses that executives without the smaller idea of music designed. Strangely, I am optimistic facing the future immediate, because I will be able to do what it comes to me in desire without no contract prevents it to me. Like publishing my next songs in the form of score, so that they sing others, or many other ideas that, discúlpeme, I am not going to say. One is to avoid that somebody livened up went ahead to me…
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by The imposter »

Here's a more comprehensible translation. Obviously, without the original transcript it's impossible to know exactly what was said , but I had a go...

"Vinyl is better; They’ve been cheating us with CDs for more than 20 years.”

FERNANDO NEIRA - Madrid - 10/06/2008

A few months ago he made alarm bells sound amongst his fans." I will not enter a recording studio again, it’s too exhausting and laborious", he alleged. Luckily, the great Declan Patrick MacManus – known to the world as Elvis Costello for the last 31 years, has not kept his word. At the beginning of year he gathered The Imposters to record Momofuku in only one week, an urgent and energetic record that is provoking enthusiastic comments. And now he is embarking on a promotional tour covering half of the world that includes just two Spanish dates: 30 June and 1 July in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, at The “Arrecife de las Músicas” Festival. A much more talkative and genial Costello (London, 1954) than his critics would argue, took the time to speak to this newspaper yesterday by telephone from an American hotel.

Question. What made you retract and return to recording?

Answer. It was almost by chance. [The folk-rock singer] Jenny Lewis called me to collaborate on his record and I rediscovered the good aspects of this work. I hadn’t stopped writing songs, but I got to thinking that to record an album had become pointless.

Q. Were you worried about the demands of an industry in crisis?

A. I’ve decided not to worry anymore about the figures. I only hope that people are interested in my music, but I’m not bothered anymore if they buy it or rob it. I am not one to speak in commercial terms. That is why, I’m sure you’ll publish this interview in the Culture pages and not in the Business Section…

Q. You wanted to release Momofuku only on vinyl. Does it not worry you that people will regard you as a nostalgic?

A. It is not nostalgia. Vinyl sounds better and they’ve been deceiving us for twenty-odd years about the quality of CD. The re-editions in that format of analogical original discs are disappointing , like the acceptance of the MP3 as a sound standard. Music is recorded in conditions of excellence, but soon we were satisfied whereupon they sell it to us in a format that ruins all those months and months of work. This is a high-priority problem we need to do something about, as soon as possible.

Q. Does the new album represent a return to the essences of the past, in the spirit of albums like Get happy! and others?

A. It’s a mistake to try to do things as if you were younger than you are. The truth is that none of these 12 new songs could have been written by a 22 year old. If people associate both sounds that’s because we are almost the same musicians, but it wasn’t something that was premeditated.

Q. In the last few years you’ve written ballets, jazz, chamber music ... Can we continue to consider you as a rocker?

A. Those other facets of mine only irritate people with little curiosity. In fact, those alternative projects have been always present: I recorded My Funny Valentine in 1978 and Imperial Bedroom, in 1982, already included something similar to tango and jazz. It just so happens that opportunities have been increasing with the years, mainly from the change of century. But I’m aware that The Juliet Letters, my record with the Brodsky Quartet, was very well received in Spain, just to give a few examples.

Q. Momofuku opens with “No Hiding Place”, a satire on the age of The Internet. Have your experiences been so negative?

A. It’s not meant to be a great declaration of principles, only a song that’s more or less comical. It bothers me, yes, the insane fascination that certain phenomena can produce. We live in a world of obsessions and possessions, and anyone, from the impunity of anonymity, believe they have the right to speak about the divine and the humane. There was a time in which a few years of learning were required before publishing your first article in the newspaper. Now all you need is a computer.

Q. Do you find the overabundance of information saturating?

R. Without a doubt, because that excess of opinions does not contribute to clarify things. Yes, I know that now you can get a lot of useful information that a few years ago was inaccessible, and that’s very good. But also you can see videos of people fucking in an elevator, recordings that have been sold by the security companies. This is a world without shame…

Q. So just to make it clear, you’re planning to continue dedicating yourself to your vocation in the next few years?

R. Of Course! I am a vocational musician, I don’t see a reason to stop, unless something happens to my health. The only difference is that I have distanced myself from those business plans designed by executives without the slightest idea about music. Strangely, I am optimistic about facing the immediate future, because I will be able to do what I feel like doing without some contract that prevents me. Like publishing my next songs in the form of score, so that others can sing, or many other ideas that, I’m afraid, I’m not going to say. I’m trying to avoid some bright spark getting there ahead of me.
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by verbal gymnastics »

The imposter wrote:...And now he is embarking on a promotional tour covering half of the world that includes just two Spanish dates: 30 June and 1 July in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, at The “Arrecife de las Músicas” Festival.
Just two dates in Spain? I'd be happy with just one in England.
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

No word yet from the islands about Elvis.

These 'papers previewed it so may have something soon-




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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

Still no details ; the poster is here-


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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by Man out of Time »

Another review here:

Elvis Costello revuelve la mejor sopa de 'new wave' en el Auditorio Alfredo Kraus
ACN PRESS. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Elvis Costello no tuvo reparos la noche de este lunes en cocinar una buena sopa de new wave con sus especias favoritas: el soul y el rock. No defraudó a los incondicionales, que aunque no abarrotaron el Auditorio Alfredo Kraus de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, corearon con Costello temas conocidos como The river in reverse y disfrutaron de los acordes electrónicos del nuevo álbum Momofuku, que hace referencia al inventor de la sopa instantánea, Momofuku Ando.

Asumiendo su nuevo rol de chef del new wave, cambió de guitarra en numerosas ocasiones, como si de cuchara se tratara. No utilizó gorro de cocinero, prefirió salir con unos zapatos azul marino de brillos, que rozaban el límite del buen gusto. El público no se lo tuvo en cuenta; Costello se calzó en el escenario el tema red shoes y lo bordó.

Aunque frente a un auditorio poco acostumbrado a verle en los fogones eléctricos, tuvo que tocar más de diez canciones para ponerlo de pie y conseguir que le siguieran con palmas y el baile justo del espacio de una butaca. Un esfuerzo que tuvo sus excepciones, desde el principio más de uno dejó constancia que un concierto de Elvis Costello era otra cosa.

El cantante y compositor británico, que triunfó meciendo el rock en los años 70, subió al Alfredo Kraus acompañado por la banda The Imposters, que devuelve a los escenarios la colaboración de Costello con Steve Nieve, en los teclados, y con el batería Pete Thomas.

Conscientes todos de que Momofuku era la excusa, Costello alternó piezas de siempre con las nuevas. Comenzó con Stella hurt, del último álbum, que calentó el horno, y casi al final tocó She, canción clave de la banda sonora de la película Notting Hill, que endulzó la noche y puso los dientes largos a los que se quedaron fuera.

Más de veinte canciones sonaron este lunes en el Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, que bebió más de una sopa rápida: Brilliant mistake , Shipbuilding o Deep dark truthful mirror sonaron con un Costello que lo dio todo y que tuvo palabras para felicitar el gol que puso a España de fiesta tras ganar la Eurocopa.

Todavía hay tiempo de escucharle. Esta noche de martes es la última ocasión de deleitarse con el R&B, soul y rock sereno de Elvis Costello.
There are 49 good quality concert photos here:

http://comunidad.laprovincia.es/servici ... &pIndice=0

In number 47, Steve appears to have a Dell laptop open in front of him. I have not previously seen Steve playing a laptop. Is it commonplace for him to have a laptop with him on stage?

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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by migdd »

Steve utilized a laptop during his Sptember '07 solo dates but I never could figure out if he was using it as a reference or to create sounds. Wonder what he's using it for during these band shows.
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

My fave. from that concert photos collection -


Google translation -

Elvis Costello stirs the best soup 'new wave' in the Auditorio Alfredo Kraus

ACN PRESS. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Elvis Costello had no objections to this Monday night at cook a good soup new wave with their favorite spices: soul and rock. Do not disappoint the fans, but not that crowded the auditorium Alfredo Kraus of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Cora Costello with familiar topics such as The river in reverse and enjoyed the chords of the new electronic album Momofuku, which refers to the inventor of the soup Instant, Momofuku Ando.

Assuming his new role as chef of new wave, changed his guitar on numerous occasions, as if it were spoon. There used to cook hat, some preferred to go out with navy blue shoes of brightness, that slashing the limit of good taste. The public is not taken into account; Costello was the scene fit the theme red shoes and the edges.

Although compared with a little audience accustomed to seeing you in electric cookers, had to play more than ten songs to put stand and make him continue with clapping and dancing space of just a seat. An effort that had its exceptions, from the outset more than one recorded a concert by Elvis Costello was something else.

The British singer and composer, who triumphed rocking rock in the 70, rose to Alfredo Kraus accompanied by the banda The Imposters, which returns to the stage of collaboration with Costello Steve Snow, keyboards, and drummer Pete Thomas .

Aware that all Momofuku was the excuse, Costello spare always alternated with the new. It started with Stella hurt on the last album, which warmed the oven, and almost at the end She touched, key song of the banda sound of the film Notting Hill, who sweetened the night and put teeth long to be left out.

Over twenty songs
sounded on Monday in the auditorium Alfredo Kraus, who drank more than a quick soup: Brilliant mistake, or Shipbuilding Deep dark sounded a truthful mirror that Costello gave it everything and he had words to congratulate the goal that made Spain Holiday after winning the Euro.

There is still time to listen. Tonight from Tuesday is the last chance to enjoy the R & B, soul and rock serene of Elvis Costello.
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by The imposter »

I had a go at translating this piece, I usually charge for this but this was fun.
However the article isn’t nearly as interesting nor hilarious as the google translation above.

I particularly enjoyed:

changed his guitar as if it were spoon.
There used to cook hat
some preferred to go out with navy blue shoes of brightness, that slashing the limit of good taste.
a little audience accustomed to seeing you in electric cookers
Steve Snow, keyboards (Nieve directly translates as snow!)
Stella hurt warmed the oven
She sweetened the night and put teeth long to be left out.
the goal that made Spain Holiday after winning the Euro.

Elvis Costello stirs the best 'new wave' soup in the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium

ACN PRESS. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Elvis Costello had no problems this Monday night in cooking up a good new wave soup with his favourite spices: soul and rock. He didn’t disappoint the fans, who although not filling the auditorium, danced along with Costello to familiar titles such as The River in reverse and enjoyed the electronic chords of the new album Momofuku, which refers to the inventor of the Instant soup, Momofuku Ando.

Assuming his new role as chef of new wave, he changed guitars on numerous occasions, as though they were spoons. He didn’t use a chef’s hat; he preferred to appear with bright navy blue shoes that were the ultimate in good taste. The public didn’t notice. Costello played the song red shoes and pulled it off brilliantly.

Although confronted with a crowd little accustomed to seeing him under spotlights, he had to play more than ten songs to bring the crowd to their feet and make them continue with their clapping and dancing in just a seat space. An effort that had its exceptions, from the outset more than a few felt a concert by Elvis Costello was something else.

The British singer and composer, who triumphed rocking rock in the 70, rose to the stage accompanied by the band The Imposters, in which Steve Nieve, keyboards, and drummer Pete Thomas repeat their collaboration with Costello

Everyone aware that Momofuku was the reason, Costello alternated old standards with the new material. He started with Stella hurt from the latest album, which warmed the oven, and towards the end played She, key song from the film soundtrack Notting Hill, that sweetened the night and left those who missed the show feeling jealous.

He played over twenty songs on Monday to a public who drank more than a quick soup: Brilliant mistake, Shipbuilding or Deep dark truthful mirror sounded like a Costello who gave it everything and he had words to congratulate the goal that started the Spanish celebrations after winning the Euro.

There is still time to hear him. Tonight, Tuesday is the last chance to enjoy the serene R & B, soul and rock of Elvis Costello.

Not very well written and a bit ambiguous in places. I think he/she er quite liked it :?
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Re: Elvis/Imposters , Canary Island, June/July '08

Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.daylife.com/search/photos/al ... s+costello

British singer and songwriter Elvis Costello performs at a music festival to promote his latest album "Mumufuku" in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on the Spanish Canary Islands June 30, 2008. Photo taken June 30.
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