Concert 2007-04-17 Las Vegas

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Elvis was interviewed by Warren Zanes and performed mostly partial versions of songs. A complete setlist is not available, but an account in the Las Vegas Sun provides some details.

"Costello pulled back the curtain immediately, pointing out snatches of the Spinners' Ghetto Child and his own Imagination (Is A Powerful Deceiver) in Alison.

He talked about dumbing down the chord changes, then blasted out a bit of Mystery Dance. He talked about using mirrors and disguises in his songs to hide himself but let listeners' imaginations run free. He talked about growing up and learning that "not everybody is listening to everything you say." Then he spun out (The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes, written in a burst on a train to Liverpool.

He talked about songwriters taking liberties, blending scraps from their notebooks. The New Orleans "cocktail murderess" from American Without Tears was really a Las Vegas cocktail pianist he'd heard on a 1980 visit. "Back then you couldn't walk between hotels because there were hookers who looked like Joe Frazier who'd beat you up if you turned them down."

Some talk was purely for the cognoscenti: explaining, for instance, why he changes from first to third person in the chorus of Accidents Will Happen and sings in the gaps between beats in Country Darkness. [...]

The father who fills his kids' Nanos with Bing Crosby, Howlin' Wolf and John Coltrane sang a verse of Nellie The Elephant to lullaby the crowd before slapping it awake with The River In Reverse, his recent collaboration with Allen Toussaint. Then he churned out a feedback-soaked version of Pump It Up and closed the night with an encore of Nick Lowe's (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?."

  • Start time: 10:45 PM
  • End time: 12:15 AM

Opening act


Las Vegas Sun, April '07


Fan reviews


Ticket stubs

Stage pass

Stage setlist




  • No bootlegs linked here yet, but check in Bootlegs.
